
by Leigh Corcoran
Posted: over 10 years ago
Visible to: public

Time zone: Melbourne
Reminder: 6 hours before

Gapsted Wines conducting Wine tasting – appreciation course at MFNC next Wednesday 16th @ 6.00pm

Steve Kline will be taking the wine tasting at the football club on the 16th at approximately 6pm.

He has a great wine knowledge and has done wine educating in the past.

He will be able to take everyone through all of the wines and teach the differences between the varieties without going over the top.

It will be a great chance for anyone involved at the club to not only learn about the wines that we are using as part of Gapsted Wines sponsorship but also quite a bit about wine in general.

It would be fantastic to have as many people involved with this tasting as possible as having someone like Steve Kline doing the tasting is quite an achievement.

See you there!


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